
Getting started

Quick start


Initialize your project

This is meant to be a completely separate repository from your application code.

The idea is to be able to decouple your application deployments from releasing your features. Therefore, it stays as a separate repository.

Run the following command to initialize your project:

$ mkdir my-featurevisor-project && cd my-featurevisor-project
$ npx @featurevisor/cli init

If you want to initialize a specific example:

$ npx @featurevisor/cli init --example <name>

You can find all available examples here.


Once your project has been initialized, install all the dependencies:

$ npm install

Configure your project

Featurevisor configuration is stored in featurevisor.config.js file, with minimum configuration looking like this:

// featurevisor.config.js
module.exports = {
  tags: ["all"],
  environments: ["staging", "production"],

Learn more in Configuration.

By default, Featurevisor defines attributes, segments, and features as YAML files. If you want JSON, TOML, or any other language, see custom parsers guide.

Create an attribute

Attributes are the building blocks of creating segments.

We will start by creating an attribute called userId:

# attributes/userId.yml
type: string
description: User ID

Learn more in Attributes.

Create a segment

Segments are groups of users that you can target, and they are made up of conditions against various attributes.

Let's create a new attribute called country first:

# attributes/country.yml
type: string
description: Country

Now, let's create a segment called germany:

# segments/germany.yml
description: Users from Germany
  - attribute: country
    operator: equals
    value: de

Learn more in Segments.

Create a feature

We have come to the most interesting part now.

We can create a new showBanner feature, that controls a banner on our website:

# features/showBanner.yml
description: Show banner
  - all

# this makes sure the same User ID consistently gets the same variation
bucketBy: userId

# optionally add variations for running a/b tests
  - value: control
    weight: 50 # out of a total of 100

  - value: treatment
    weight: 50 # total sum of weights has to be 100

      - key: "1"
        segments: "*" # in staging, we want to show the banner to everyone
        percentage: 100
      # in production, we want to test the feature in Germany first, and
      # it will be `true` variation for 50% of the traffic
      - key: "1"
        segments: germany
        percentage: 50

      - key: "2"
        segments: "*" # everyone
        percentage: 0 # disabled for everyone else


We can lint the content of all our files to make sure they are all valid:

$ npx featurevisor lint

Learn more in Linting.

Build datafiles

Datafiles are JSON files that we expect our client-side applications to consume using the Featurevisor SDK.

Now that we have all the configuration in place, we can build the project:

$ npx featurevisor build

This will generate datafiles in the dist directory for each of your tags against each environment as defined in your featurevisor.config.js file.

With our example, we will have the following datafiles generated:

  • dist/staging/datafile-tag-all.json
  • dist/production/datafile-tag-all.json

Learn more in Building datafiles.

Deploy datafiles

This is the part where you deploy the datafiles to your CDN or any other static file hosting service.

Once done, the URLs of the datafiles may look like https://cdn.yoursite.com/production/datafile-tag-all.json.

Learn more in Deployment.

Consume datafiles using the SDK

Now that we have the datafiles deployed, we can consume them using the Featurevisor SDK.

In your application, install the SDK first:

$ npm install --save @featurevisor/sdk

Featurevisor JavaScript SDK is compatible with both Node.js and browser environments.


If you already have the datafile content available, you can initialize the SDK as follows:

// your-app/index.js
import { createInstance } from "@featurevisor/sdk";

const datafileUrl =
const datafileContent = await fetch(datafileUrl).then((res) => res.json());

const f = createInstance({
  datafile: datafileContent,


If you want to delegate the responsibility of fetching the datafile to the SDK, you can initialize it as follows:

// your-app/index.js
import { createInstance } from "@featurevisor/sdk";

const datafileUrl =

const f = createInstance({
  onReady: function () {
    // datafile has been fetched successfully,
    // and you can start using the SDK


Once the SDK is initialized, you can evaluate your features and their variations and variables as follows:

const featureKey = "showBanner";
const context = {
  userId: "123",
  country: "de",

// flag status: true or false
const isBannerEnabled = f.isEnabled(featureKey, context);

// variation: `control`, `treatment`, or more
const bannerVariation = f.getVariation(featureKey, context);

// variables
const variableKey = "myVariableKey";
const myVariable = f.getVariable(featureKey, variableKey, context);

Featurevisor SDK will take care of evaluating the right value(s) for you synchronously against the provided userId and country attributes in the context.

Find more examples of SDK usage here.