
CI/CD guides

WebSocket & PartyKit

Fetch latest datafile in already running applications using Featurevisor SDK as soon as there are latest changes by listening to messages via WebSocket powered by PartyKit.

Realtime updates

Featurevisor SDK, once initialized with datafileUrl option, will fetch the datafile containing our configuration from the provided URL. This is a one time operation and SDK will not fetch the latest configuration unless it is reinitialized (meaning, until our application restarts or reloads):

import { createInstance } from "@featurevisor/sdk";

const DATAFILE_URL = "https://cdn.yoursite.com/datafile.json";

const f = createInstance({
  datafileUrl: DATAFILE_URL,
  onReady: () => console.log("SDK has initialized"),

This means that our application will not be updated with the latest configuration in realtime while it is running.

This issue is partly mitigated by using the refreshInterval option, so that once the SDK is initialized, it can keep on fetching the datafile from the same URL every X number of seconds, in case it has new content:

const f = createInstance({
  datafileUrl: DATAFILE_URL,
  onReady: () => console.log("SDK has initialized"),

  refreshInterval: 60, // every 60 seconds
  onRefresh: () => console.log("SDK has fetched the datafile again"),
  onUpdate: () => console.log("Latest datafile has new content"),

What it does internally is call the refresh() method of the SDK periodically, which we could also call manually ourselves:


However, this solution still means that our application will be using the old datafile content as configuration for theoretically maximum 60 seconds before it fetches the latest configuration again.


Having realtime updates in our application(s) can be beneficial in many ways:

  • Immediate adaptation: Development and product teams can adjust features and see them impact users immediately without needing the users to restart/reload their apps.
  • Optimized performance: By pushing updates in realtime, we avoid the overhead of periodic checks or polling, leading to faster application responses and reduced server strain.
  • Proactive issue mitigation: If a newly released feature is causing issues, it can be turned off instantly, minimizing the impact on users and potentially saving the organization from negative publicity or user churn.
  • Increased confidence: Knowing that features can be quickly adjusted or rolled back in realtime gives teams more confidence to experiment, test, and release.

Enter WebSocket

WebSocket is a communication protocol that provides full-duplex communication channels over a single TCP connection.

By full-duplex, it means both the client and server can send messages to each other independently at the same time by keeping the connection alive.

Since WebSocket is a great way to keep a connection alive between the client and server, we can use this protocol to listen to events from a server that can tell us to trigger a new refresh in our SDK instance, as soon as there has been any new updates in our Featurevisor project (the Git repository).

What is PartyKit?

PartyKit is an open source deployment platform for AI agents, multiplayer and local-first apps, games, and websites.

It can help us create a new realtime service that we can send messages to from our CI/CD pipeline whenever there are new changes in our Featurevisor project, and then listen to those messages in our application(s) using WebSocket API to trigger a new refresh in our SDK instance.

The whole flow in steps

  • We have a Featurevisor project in a Git repository
  • We have a CI/CD pipeline that builds our datafiles and deploys them to a CDN
    • The CI/CD pipeline will send a message to our PartyKit server whenever there are new changes in our Featurevisor project
  • Our PartyKit server will receive the message and broadcast it to all connected apps
  • Our application(s) will listen to the message and trigger a new refresh of our SDK instance

Let's start implementing this flow step by step.

Create a new PartyKit server

We can init a new npm project and install PartyKit:

$ npm install --save partykit@beta

Then we create a new server.js file and add the following code:

// replace with your own secret, and inject via environment variable
const PARTY_SECRET_VALUE = "party-secret";
const PARTY_SECRET_HEADER = "x-partykit-secret";

// the event type we will be broadcasting to all connected apps
const REFRESH_TYPE = "refresh";

export default {
  // handle incoming request coming from our CI/CD pipeline
  async onRequest(request, room) {
    if (request.method === "POST") {
      const body = await request.json();
      const secretInHeader = request.headers.get(PARTY_SECRET_HEADER);

      // once we identify the request is coming from our own CI/CD pipeline,
      // we broadcast a message to all connected apps
      if (secretInHeader === PARTY_SECRET_VALUE) {
            type: REFRESH_TYPE,

        return new Response(
          `Message sent to ${room.connections.size} connected participants`

    return new Response(`Nothing to see here.`);

To test locally:

$ npx partykit dev server.js

Now that we have our server ready, we can deploy it:

$ npx partykit deploy server.js --name my-party

Send a message from CI/CD pipeline

We can build on top of one of our existing guides on how to setup a CI/CD pipeline and deploy our generated datafiles using GitHub Actions & Cloudflare Pages.

This guide uses GitHub Actions, but you are free to choose any other tool of your preference.

We can add a new step in our workflow that will send a message to our PartyKit server whenever there are new changes:

# .github/workflows/publish.yml

# ...

    name: Publish
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    timeout-minutes: 10
      # ...

      # add new step here after uploading the generated datafiles
      name: Send message to PartyKit
      run: |
        curl -X POST \
          -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
          -H "X-PartyKit-Secret: <MY-SECRET-HERE>"
          -d '{"type": "refresh"}' \

The X-PartyKit-Secret is there so that our server only accepts messages from our own CI/CD pipeline and not from anyone else. You are free to take any other approach to better manage your security.

Listening to messages in our application

Now that we have a PartyKit server that can receive messages from our CI/CD pipeline and also broadcast it to all connected applications, we (as one of those applications) can listen to those messages and trigger a new refresh of our SDK instance:

import { createInstance } from "@featurevisor/sdk";

const DATAFILE_URL = "https://cdn.yoursite.com/datafile.json";
const WEBSOCKET_URL = "wss://<project>.<username>.partykit.dev/party/featurevisor";

const f = createInstance({
  datafileUrl: DATAFILE_URL,
  onReady: () => console.log("SDK has initialized"),

const socket = new WebSocket(WEBSOCKET_URL);
socket.onmessage = (event) => {
  const message = JSON.parse(event.data);

  if (message.type === "refresh") {

We just did that without even needing any new library, because WebSocket API is natively supported in modern browsers.

WebSocket support in Node.js

If you are using Node.js, you can consider using the ws package.

Wish just a few lines of code, we just made our application listen to messages from our PartyKit server and trigger a new refresh of our SDK instance as soon as there are new changes in our Featurevisor project, making every feature update a realtime update.

Cloudflare Pages