


Featurevisor allows namespacing features and segments to tackle the challenges of scaling large projects.

Namespaces help teams organize their features and segments in a structured and hierarchical way, making it easier to manage and maintain them as their project grows larger and more complex over time.


Creating a namespace for a feature is as simple as putting the feature under a directory, and the directory name then becomes the namespace.

If there is a team working on the checkout flow for e.g., they can create a namespace called checkout and put all their features related to the checkout flow in that namespace:

├── checkout/
│   ├── feature1.yml
│   ├── feature2.yml
│   └── feature3.yml
└── globalFeature.yml

Evaluating features

When evaluating a feature, you can refer to the feature by its namespace and key in the format namespace/featureKey:

const f; // Featurevisor SDK instance
const context = { userId: "123" };

f.isEnabled("checkout/feature1", context);
f.isEnabled("globalFeature", context);

Testing features

When testing features, you can refer to the feature by its namespace and key in the format namespace/featureKey:

# tests/checkout/feature1.spec.yml
feature: checkout/feature1

# ...

The file name and location for test specs do not matter, as long as they exist inside the tests directory.


Very similar to features, you can namespace segments by putting them in a directory:

├── countries/
│   ├── germany.yml
│   └── netherlands.yml
└── globalSegment.yml

Referencing segments

When defining the rules inside features, you can refer to the segment by its namespace and key in the format namespace/segmentKey:

# features/myFeature.yml

# ...

      - key: "1"
        segments: "countries/netherlands"
        percentage: 100

Testing segments

When testing segments, you can refer to the segment by its namespace and key in the format namespace/segmentKey:

# tests/countries/nl.spec.yml
segment: countries/nl

# ...


Namespaces are no replacement for tags or environments, but they can be used in conjunction with them to create a more structured and organized project.

  • Tags: for tagging features resulting in targeted and smaller datafiles that your applications consume via SDKs
  • Environments: for creating different environments, like production and staging, and then use them in your feature rules to control the rollout of features
  • Namespaces: for organizing features and segments in a hierarchical way
Tagging features